9:15-9:30h Intro
9:30-11:00h Jean-Sébastien Caux (Amsterdam)
11:00-11:30h Coffee Break 1
11:30-13:00h Isabelle Bouchoule (Lab. Charles-Fabry, CNRS, Palaiseau)
13:00-14:30h Lunch and free time
14:30-16:00h Juliette Simonet (Institute for Laser Physics, Hamburg)
16:00-16:15h Coffee Break 2
16:15-16:30h In Memory of L. Pitaevskii – Gregory Astrakharchik (UPC & UB)
16:30-18:00h Daniel Barredo (CINN, El Entrego)
18:00-19:30h Poster session 1 and coffee/beer break