The research in ultracold atoms is evolving at an astonishingly rapid pace, with new theories and experiments constantly motivating and pushing each other. It is then fundamental to come back to foundations in order to properly educate future generations of excellent researchers.
The “CAPS School 2022 on Ultracold Atoms” aims at bringing together younger researchers and exceptional lecturers who are well-renowned experts in the atomic physics community. The School has been conceived to be vibrant, international and multidisciplinary. It will be conducted in an informal and relaxed atmosphere and it is open to participants at every career level (Master, PhD, Postdoc, Staff).
This first Edition of the CAPS School is a satellite event of the “CAW – Cold Atom Workshop” which will take place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid on 24-25 November 2022. Both events gather members of the Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF), Foro de Física de Átomos Fríos (FFAF) and they are partially supported by the Cold Atom Physics Spain (CAPS) network of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Lectures will cover the following wide-ranging topics:
- Bose Gases
- Fermi Gases
- Rydberg Atoms
- Optical Lattices
- 1D Bose Gases
- Quantum Optics
- Dynamics of Integrable Quantum Systems